Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Letter to YCEA Members

August 17, 2009

Dear YCEA Members,

Welcome back to a new school year – one that we know is going to be a fabulous one for our students, and challenging for us. I know that all of you are concerned about the financial situation in California and the District, as emphasized by the letter we all received from Dr. Kendrick during the summer.

Yes, indeed, it will not be “business as usual.” We acknowledge that the situation is dire. We will not stick our heads in the sand and refuse to participate in cost-cutting measures. However, we also acknowledge that there are many different ways to make cuts, and not all of them need to be on the backs of students and educators. Last year, in addition to agreeing to a furlough day, for the first time we agreed to pick up the increase to the cost of the health benefits. Also, we lost approximately 24 YCEA MEMBERS – some of which still do not have a job. We lost approximately 19 POSITIONS – so cuts were indeed made IN the classroom, not just close to it.

The Superintendent referred to “team spirit” in her letter. It’s that “team spirit” that is going to get us through this financial crisis. We fully intend to participate in the discussion, but before we even begin to consider further concessions on our part, we need to be able to see a District commitment to cost-cutting away from the classroom.

To that end, we are asking for your input. We are soliciting your suggestions as to where the District can save money. You may give us these suggestions in several ways:
1. Email your suggestions to budget@ycea.org
2. Visit the ycea.com website and use the “Email Us” button
3. Write us a note or letter and send it via District mail to the YCEA Office
4. Write us a note or letter and send it via regular postal mail to:
Budget Suggestions
Yucaipa-Calimesa Educators Association
504 Myrtlewood Drive, Suite A
Calimesa, CA 92320
Please provide us your input NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 11. Thank-you for your assistance. We hope you have a great year!

Cyndi Holman Patrick Smith Tom Herron
President Vice-President Negotiations Chair

If you would like to leave a comment/suggestion below, it will be considered ONLY on two conditions:
a. You are a YCEA Member
b. You identify yourself BY NAME

Anonymous comments will be rejected.

Don't let them mislead you....

I read with interest a handout from the District, meant for the school board, in which they outlined "Administrative Position Adjustments." They're trying to say that they lost two positions. Hmm. Which ones, do you think? They claim they lost the assistant principal at WES and the assistant principal at OVEC. They rightly point out that they added a principal at WES, and an assistant principal at MVMS, but try to claim that they really lost "two positions that would ordinarily be filled with new personnel."

What they failed to put in their chart is that they DID fill two administrative positions with new personnel! They created a new "Dean of Students" at OVEC, which is pretty much the same as the assistant principal, and they created a "Coordinator" of the Special Education Pre-School (also an administrative position).

The District now has 33 administrators, 2 more than last year. I don't see where that could be considered a loss of positions.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Evaluate principals based on student test scores?

Hmmm. Interesting concept. Probably just as controversial to principals as basing teacher evaluations on test scores is to teachers.

San Diego is trying to do it:

First Test for Principals: Getting Judged on Test Scores