Thursday, March 8, 2007

YCJUSD Appoints New Public Relations Director

The blog committee apologizes to those who were offended by or felt this satirical post was not appropriate. After re-examining the post, we have decided to delete it so that our message can remain focused on our goal of achieving a fair settlement for Yucaipa-Calimesa teachers.

We appreciate the anonymous commenter who wrote in with this comment:

"I am long time teacher in this district, well-respected by peers (I hope), and, more importantly, respected by students. I am very upset that the D.O. management and the majority of the Board looks upon me and my colleagues with contempt.
Why and when the usually collegial nature of the negotiation process in this small district soured, why this change of culture occured, is open to speculation..."

574 Days Without a Settlement!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Baghdad Bob is cheaper than the $600/hour attorneys they have doing their PR?